Zenchef takes control after their year of rapid growth


Average saving per negotiation
Return on investment
Savings in total
Zenchef takes control after their year of rapid growth

Zenchef is a digital platform for restaurants with features like reservation, venue management, online ordering, and marketing, enhancing operational efficiency and digital presence.

Types of tools used

SaaS tools span communication, CRM, and user analytics

Before Najar

SaaS inventory confusion

Uncontrolled expenses

Technical problems

Difficulty determining team needs

After Najar

€100,400 in cost savings

ROI 10x

Team needs identified

Enhanced security monitoring

Increased resource allocation

Zenchef faced security & spending struggles

When Zenchef first connected to Najar’s platform back in 2022, we detected that more than 151 applications were being used. Among them, 76 of these applications were paid. Prior to the connection with our platform, it was difficult for Zenchef to ensure that the tools in use were not posing a threat to data security.

There was also insufficient expertise in Procurement management and negotiations. The budget owners and Tony, VP of Operations, were in charge of all the negotiations and split them up according to the strategic level and the price of the solution.

There were many areas for concern surrounding tool usage. More specifically, tools that were used regularly had technical problems, therefore disrupting daily operations. The tools were employed without adequately assessing usage rates or adapting according to changing requirements, resulting in higher costs, uncontrolled expenses, and difficulty in accounting for expenditures. There was also the problem of various tools being duplicated to execute the same tasks, leading to unnecessary costs. Additionally, there was also difficulty determining the needs of their teams and evaluating those needs.

In order to combat these issues, Zenchef created a monthly manual comparison between expenses received by the accounting department and established budgets for control purposes. However, this did not permit a proactive approach. The difference detected was reactive and the financial decisions on tool usage were driven by tool costs rather than usefulness.

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How Najar achieved significant savings & improved IT security

Najar quickly produced positive results, with substantial savings. An average saving of 25% was achieved from the first few months of use.

Najar also helped identify the needs and expectations of operational teams. For example, when renewing Pendo, a product tool for Zenchef, Najar's IT buyers provided support. We began by evaluating the team's satisfaction with the tool and discovered that many employees had difficulty using it. The next step was to attach the renewal to a trial phase that met specific requirements. This type of intervention helps educate teams and fosters collaboration between operational and financial departments. The significance and responsibilities of making a purchase are now better understood.

Working with Najar provided the advantage of delegating IT purchases and major renewals, leading to a ROI 10x. The added bonus is the monitoring of apps that pose a security risk to the company, providing peace of mind to IT and operational department with constant checking.

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