1. Object

Welii offers a platform in "Software as a Service" (SaaS) mode, known as the "SaaS Buying Platform" (the"Platform"), allowing Clients to :

- identify, centralize, control and manage their SaaS applications (the "Applications"), in particular by unifying and automating data relating to to Applications such as costs, users, usage via "Single Sign On" (SSO) integrations, financial integrations (NetSuite, Sage, etc.) and direct integrations (SalesForce, Asana, Slack, etc.),
- have access to data analysis tools that allow them to understand the use of applications, simplify stakeholder interactions through workflow customs, and educate teams on the economic, legal and financial issues surrounding applications,
- assistance and support for customers by providing negotiating levers for new application requirements and contract renewals. The negotiation service can take three different formats, each of which is described in clause 8.3. Negotiation services.

(the "Services").

2. Platform and Services Operator, contact

The Platform and Services are operated by Welii, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company), registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under no. 894 238 070 ("Welii").

The Client may contact Welii at the following e-mail address: contact@welii.io

3. Ordering the Services and accepting the General Conditions

The contractual relationship between the Client and Welii is governed, in descending hierarchical order, by the following documents:

The quote (the "Quote")

- It is established on the basis of the Customer's needs,
- The Customer must accept it in writing (including by email) within the period indicated on the Quotation. This acceptance implies acceptance of the General Conditions in their version in force at the date of the Quotation
- In case of contradiction, the Quotation prevails over the General Conditions
- In case of contradiction, the most recent Quotation prevails over the oldest one(s)‍

General terms and conditions (the "General Conditions")

They define:
- The terms of use of Welii,
- The respective obligations of the parties.‍

4. Conditions of access to the Platform and Services

4.1. Legal capacity

The Platform and Services are accessible to any legal entity acting through a natural person with the power or authority required to enter into a contract in the Customer's name and on the Customer's behalf.

4.2. Services for professionals

‍The Customer is a professional, understood as any natural or legal person acting for purposes within the scope of his commercial, industrial, artisanal, liberal or agricultural activity, including when acting in the name or on behalf of another professional.‍

5. How to subscribe to the Services

To subscribe to the Services, the Client may contact Welii by requesting a demonstration on the website orby contacting Welii directly using the contact details mentioned in the article "Platform and Services Operator, Contact". Once the functionality is available, the Client may also fill in the form provided on thePlatform and provide Welii with all the information marked as compulsory.‍

Welii will then create a client space (the "Client Space"). To this end, the Client must provide the required information. They will be able to connect to their Client Space via an SSO connection as mentioned on thePlatform.

6. Creating user access

Once the Customer Space has been created, the Customer may freely create accesses for users to benefit from the Services (the "Users").

The Customer is solely responsible for creating access for Users and for their personal use of the Platform.‍

7. How to access the Services

The Client can access the Services on the Platform. The provision of the Services involves the use of APIs made available by Welii, which the Client must integrate into its IT system.

For the purposes hereof, the notion of Platform includes APIs.

8. Description of additional services

8.1. Description of the Services

The Services to which the Customer has subscribed are described in the Quotation.

Any request to modify or add to the Services subscribed to must be the subject of an additional quotation

8.2. Applications concerned

The Services are limited to Cloud Services for professional use. Consequently, any Customer application which is not a Cloud Service and/or which is used for personal purposes by the Customer is excluded from the scope of the Services.

By definition, a Cloud Service is an infrastructure, platform or software hosted by third-party providers and made available to users via the Internet.

It is also specified that IaaS services, also known as cloud hosting (GCP, AWS, OVH...) are not included in the initial scope. However, it will be possible to integrate this service into the project scope at the customer's request, on an ad-hoc basis.‍

8.3. Trading services

As part of the Services, Welii offers assistance and support to the Client in negotiating the contractual conditions relating to the Applications. In this context, the Parties will agree in writing on the desired negotiation format, i.e. :

- Negotiations conducted by the Client using negotiation levers provided by Welii: in this context, the Client undertakes to strictly use and apply the negotiation levers communicated by Welii aspart of the Services for the renewal of its contracts with the Applications. Welii reserves the right to request any written evidence from the Client in order to demonstrate that the negotiation levers communicated have been effectively applied.

- Negotiations conducted jointly with the customer.

- Negotiation conducted by Welii: in this context, the Client mandates Welii to negotiate contracts relating to the Applications, in the name and on behalf of the Client, taking into account theClient's written and oral recommendations, as well as systematically ensuring the protection of the Client's interests and pursuing the objective of achieving cost optimization as detailed in theQuotation.

8.4. Supplementary benefits


For the duration of the Services, the Customer benefits from maintenance, which may consist of:

- corrective maintenance, Welii making its best efforts to provide the Client with corrective maintenance in order to correct any malfunction or bug found on the Platform,

- evolutionary maintenance, which Welii may carry out automatically and without prior notice. Evolutionary maintenance includes improvements to the functionalities of the Platform and/or technical installations used within the framework of the Platform (aiming to introduce minor or major extensions),

- planned maintenance, including corrective and evolutionary maintenance.

As part of this maintenance, access to the Platform may be limited or suspended.


Welii ensures, under the terms of an obligation of means, the hosting of the Platform, as well as the data produced and/or entered by/on the Platform, on its servers or via a professional hosting provider, and on servers located in a territory of the European Union.

Technical assistance:

In the event of any difficulty encountered when using the Services, the Client may contact Welii using the contact details mentioned in the article "Platform and Services Operator, Contact".

9. Duration of Services

The Customer subscribes to the Services on a subscription basis (the "Subscription").

The Subscription is concluded for an initial period of 12 months from the date of signature by the Parties.

It will then be tacitly renewed for successive periods of the same duration as the initial period, (together with the initial period, the "Periods"), from date to date, unless terminated by either party, addressed to the other party under the conditions set out in the article "Termination of Services".

10. Financial terms and conditions

10.1. Services Price

The prices of the Services to which the Customer has subscribed are indicated in the Quotation.

‍Prices may be revised at any time under the conditions set out in the article "Modification of General Conditions".

If an exchange rate is applied, the Client is responsible for any exchange charges applicable on the date of payment of the price. Where applicable, the Client is solely responsible for the payment of all bank charges related to the payment of prices, with the exception of Welii's bank charges.‍

Any Period started is due in full.‍

Welii is free to propose promotional offers or price reductions.

10.2. Billing and payment

‍Welii sends the Client an invoice at the beginning of each Period by any useful means and in particular by email payable within a maximum period of 30 days from its issue.

‍Unless otherwise specified in the Quotation, payment for Services is made by bank transfer to the address indicated on Welii invoices.

‍The Client guarantees that Welii has the necessary authorizations to use this method of payment.

10.3. Late payment and non-payment

‍In the event of non-payment or late payment, Welii reserves the right, from the day following the due date shown on the invoice, to :

- Declare all sums owed by the Customer to be in arrears and immediately payable,
- Immediately suspend the Services in progress until full payment has been received,
- Invoice late payment interest equal to 3 times the legal interest rate, based on the amount of sums not paid by the due date, and a flat-rate indemnity of 40 euros for collection costs, without prejudice to additional compensation if the collection costs actually incurred exceed this amount.

11. Right of withdrawal

The Customer benefits from a right of withdrawal if (i) he/she is a professional with 5 or fewer employees,(ii) he/she is purchasing a good or service that does not fall within his/her main field of activity (i.e. does not relate in any way to the Services) and (iii) the contract is concluded "off-premises", i.e. :

- in a place, different from Welii's premises, where Welii and the Client were physically present together and simultaneously,
- at the Client's premises or by means of a remote communication technique, immediately after Welii has personally and individually solicited the Client (i) at a location other than Welii's premises and (ii) where Welii and the Client were physically and simultaneously present together,

This right of withdrawal is valid for 14 calendar days from the date of signature of the Quotation. TheClient may exercise this right free of charge by sending an e-mail to Welii before the end of this period, using the contact details mentioned in the article "Platform and Services Operator, contact":
- the completed withdrawal form available here,
- or any other unambiguous statement expressing the Customer's wish to withdraw.

If the Client exercises his/her right of withdrawal, Welii will reimburse all payments received, using the same means of payment that the Client used (unless the Client expressly accepts a different means),without undue delay and no later than 14 calendar days from the day on which Welii was informed of theClient's wish to withdraw.

If the Client requests that the Services begin prior to the expiration of the withdrawal period, the Client is only liable for the prorated price of the Services provided up to the date on which Welii was informed of the Client's wish to withdraw.

12. Intellectual Property

The Platform is the property of Welii, as are the software, infrastructures, databases and content of all kinds (texts, images, visuals, music, logos, brands, etc.) it uses.

They are protected by all intellectual property rights or database producers' rights in force. The license granted by Welii to the Client does not entail any transfer of ownership.

The Customer and Users benefit from a non-exclusive and non-transferable SaaS license to use thePlatform for the duration specified in the article "Duration of Services".‍

13. Testimonial

The Customer may make testimonials regarding his use of the Services. Client agrees that Welii may:
- distribute the testimonials free of charge on the Platform and on any other French or foreign websites, published by any companies with which Welii has agreements, by any means and on any medium, for the purpose of promoting the Platform,
- translate testimonials into any language,
- modify (in particular the framing, format and colors) and/or adapt the testimonies (in particular to the technical constraints of the Platform (alterations or degradations in their quality)).

14. Use of the Client's personality rights (image, name and voice) by Welii

‍The Client authorizes Welii to use, free of charge, the image attached to its Client Space as well as its name and voice captured in the video testimonials that Welii has produced in order to promote its Services, by any means and on any medium, for the entire world and for the duration of the subscription to itsServices.

‍The Client guarantees to have obtained, free of charge, the necessary authorizations to use the names and voices of the Users captured in the video testimonials that Welii has produced in order to promote its Services, by any means and on any medium, for the entire world, for the duration of the subscription to its Services.

15. Customer obligations and liability

15.1. Providing information

The Client agrees to provide Welii with all information necessary for the subscription and use of theServices.

The Client is solely responsible for all documents, elements, data and information it provides to Welii and in particular for their accuracy and completeness. The Client acknowledges and accepts that Welii may use these documents (excluding any personal data), and in particular the supplier ledger, for the purposes of enriching the Platform.

15.2. Using the Customer Area

The Customer:

- guarantees that the information transmitted to Welii is accurate and undertakes to keep it up to date,
- recognizes that this information is proof of his identity and commits himself as soon as it is validated,
- is responsible for maintaining confidentiality and security of its accesses. Any access to the Platform using the latter is deemed to be made by him.

The Client must immediately contact Welii at the coordinates mentioned in the article "Platform andServices Operator, Contact" if he/she notices that his/her Client Space has been used without his/her knowledge. The Client acknowledges that Welii will have the right to take all appropriate measures in such a case.

‍The Customer is solely responsible for the creation of accesses for the Users and for setting their access rights.‍

15.3. Use of the Services by the Customer

The Customer is responsible for its use of the Services and for any information it shares in this context. He is also responsible for the use of the Services and any information shared by Users. The Customer undertakes to ensure that the Services are used exclusively by the Customer and/or Users, who are subject to the same obligations as the Customer in their use of the Services.

The Client agrees to strictly use and apply the negotiation levers communicated by Welii in the context of the Services for the renewal of its contracts with the Applications. Welii reserves the right to request any written evidence from the Client in order to demonstrate that the negotiation levers communicated have been effectively applied.

The Customer undertakes not to use the Services for purposes other than those for which they were designed, and in particular to :

- engage in illegal or fraudulent activity,
- undermine public order and morality,
- infringe upon third parties or their rights in any way,
- violate any contractual, legislative or regulatory provision,
- Engage in any activity that interferes with a third party's computer system, particularly for the purpose of violating its integrity or security,
- carry out maneuvers to promote its services and/or sites or those of a third party,
- assist or induce a third party to commit one or more of the acts or activities listed above.‍

The Customer also refrains from:
- copy, modify, or misappropriate any Welii property or concept used by Welii in connection with the Services,
- Engage in any conduct that interferes with or hijacks Welii's computer systems or breaches its computer security measures,
- prejudice Welii's financial, commercial or moral rights and interests,
- market, transfer, or otherwise provide access to the Services, information hosted on the Platform, or any other Welii property.

The Client indemnifies Welii against any claim and/or action that may be brought against it as a result of the breach of any of the Client's obligations. The Client will indemnify Welii for any damage suffered and reimburse Welii for any sums it may have to bear as a result.

16. Welii's Obligations, Liability and Warranties

Welii undertakes to provide the Services with diligence, it being specified that it is bound by an obligation of means.

16.1. Service Quality

Welii makes every effort to provide the Client with quality Services. To this end, Welii carries out regular checks to verify the operation and accessibility of its Services and may carry out maintenance under the conditions specified in the "Maintenance" article.

However, Welii is not responsible for temporary difficulties or impossibilities of access to its Services caused by :

- circumstances external to its network (and in particular the partial or total failure of the Customer's servers)
- the failure of equipment, cabling, services or networks not included in its Services or not under its control,
- the interruption of the Services due to telecom operators or Internet access providers,
- of the Customer's intervention, in particular through a bad configuration applied to the Services,
- a case of force majeure.

Welii cannot be held responsible for errors, misprints or omissions in the Client data processed, including the consequences of said errors on the Services provided.

Welii is responsible for the operation of its servers, the outer limits of which are the connection points.

Furthermore, it does not guarantee that the :
- subject to constant research to improve performance and progress, will be totally free of errors,
defects or faults,
- being standard and not proposed according to the personal constraints of the Customer, will specifically meet his needs and expectations.

16.2. Platform warranty level

‍Welii makes every effort to maintain access to the Platform 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of maintenance under the conditions defined in the article "Maintenance" or in the event of force majeure.

16.3. Saving data on the Platform

Welii makes every effort to safeguard the data produced and/or entered by/on the Platform.

Except in the case of proven fault on Welii's part, Welii is not responsible for any loss of data during maintenance operations.

16.4. Data storage and security

‍Welii provides sufficient storage capacity for the operation of the Services.

Welii will make its best efforts to ensure data security by implementing measures to protect infrastructures and the Platform, to detect and prevent malicious acts and to recover data. In this respect, Welii will make its best efforts to protect the Client's computer systems concerned by the Services, in particular against any degradation that could be caused by a computer virus resulting from the interconnection operations carried out within the framework of the provision of the Services.

17. Subcontracting

‍Welii may use subcontractors for the execution of the Services, who are subject to the same obligations as Welii in the context of their intervention. Nevertheless, Welii remains solely responsible to the Client for the proper execution of the Services.

‍Welii may substitute any person who will be subrogated in all its rights and obligations under its contractual relationship with the Client. Welii will inform you of any such substitution in writing.‍

18. Limitation of Welii's liability

Welii's liability is limited to proven direct damage suffered by the Client as a result of using the Services. In any event, Welii's liability shall not exceed the amounts it has received during the 12 months preceding the event giving rise to liability or the duration of the provision of its Services, whichever is less.

19. Method of proof

Proof may be established by any means.

The Client is informed that the data collected on the Platform and Welii's computer equipment constitute the principal means of proof accepted, in particular to demonstrate the reality of the Services performed and the calculation of their price.

20. Personal data

The Parties undertake to comply with their respective obligations under the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, in particular the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended and the General Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/679 (the "Applicable Regulations").

20.1. Processing of personal data to manage the commercial relationship between the parties

Personal data concerning the contacts of a Party involved in the performance of these General Terms andConditions are collected and/or processed by the other Party in its capacity as data controller within the meaning of the applicable Regulations.

This data is processed for the purposes of managing the commercial relationship (invoicing, monitoring the contractual relationship) and complying with any legal and regulatory obligations. Such processing is based on the performance of these General Terms and Conditions or on compliance with legal obligations applicable to the Parties.

Data is kept for the time strictly necessary to manage the contractual relationship between the parties. The staff of the Party responsible for processing the data, its supervisory departments (auditors in particular) and its subcontractors may have access to said data.

It may give rise to the exercise by data subjects of their right (i) to obtain communication and, where appropriate, rectification or deletion of data concerning them, (ii) to request erasure or restriction of processing, (iii) to object to processing on legitimate grounds, (iv) to request portability of data concerning them, in order to retrieve and retain them, and (v) to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority.

20.2. Processing of personal data by Welii as subcontractor

‍The purpose of this clause is to define the conditions under which Welii undertakes, on behalf of the Client, the processing of personal data described below as a subcontractor within the meaning of the applicable Regulations.

‍● General provisions

The purpose of this clause is to define the conditions under which Welii undertakes, on behalf of the Client, the processing of personal data described below.

● Description of the outsourced processing

As part of the Services, Welii processes personal data in the name and on behalf of the Client as a subcontractor, while the Client acts as the data controller within the meaning of the applicable Regulations. The characteristics of the processing are described in Appendix 1 of these General Terms and Conditions.

● Welii's Obligations to the Client

- Data processing:
Welii undertakes to process personal data only for the purposes listed in Appendix 1 and in accordance with the Client's documented instructions, including the transfer of data outside the European Union. Welii undertakes to inform the Client if, in its opinion, any instruction constitutes a breach of the Applicable Regulations. In addition, if Welii is required to transfer data to a third country or to an international organization under the law applicable to these Terms and Conditions, it must inform the Client of this legal obligation prior to processing, unless the law concerned prohibits such information for important reasons of public interest.

- Data security and privacy:
Welii undertakes to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and integrity of personal data, their backup and the restoration of their availability in the event of a physical or technical incident. Welii also ensures that persons authorized to process personal data are subject to the obligation to maintain confidentiality.‍

- Other subcontractors :
Welii is authorized to use the subcontractors (the "Subsequent Subcontractor") listed in Appendix 1 ofthese General Terms and Conditions to carry out specific processing activities. In the event of a change inthe list of authorized Subsequent Subcontractors, Welii will inform the Client in advance and in writing. This information must clearly indicate the subcontracted processing activities, the identity and contact details of the Subsequent Subcontractor. The Client has a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of this information to present its legitimate and reasoned objections. If no objections are received within this period, the Customer will be deemed to have accepted the use of the subsequent Subcontractor.‍

The Subsequent Subcontractor is required to comply with the obligations of these General Terms and Conditions on behalf of and in accordance with the Client's instructions. It is Welii's responsibility to ensure that the Subsequent Subcontractor presents the same sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of the applicable Regulations. If the Subsequent Subcontractor fails to meet its data protection obligations, Welii remains fully responsible to the Client for the Subsequent Subcontractor's performance of its obligations.

- Transfer of personal data outside the European Union :
Welii is authorized to transfer personal data processed under these General Terms and Conditions to countries outside the European Union, subject to the implementation of appropriate safeguards as defined in Chapter V of the aforementioned regulation.

- Assistance and information :
Welii is committed to assisting the Client and responding as soon as possible to any request for information made by the Client, whether it be in the context of a request for the exercise of their rights by the data subjects, an impact analysis, or a request made by the data protection authorities or the Client's data protection officer.

- Notification of personal data breaches :
Welii undertakes to notify the Client as soon as possible after becoming aware of any violation of personal data and to communicate all useful information and documentation relating to this violation.

- Fate of data :
Welii undertakes, at the Client's option, to delete personal data upon expiry of these General Terms and Conditions or to return it to the Client and not to keep a copy of it, unless required by applicable Regulations.

- Documentation:
Welii shall make available to the Client, at the Client's request, all information and documents necessary to demonstrate compliance with its obligations and to enable audits to be carried out. The Client thus has the possibility of carrying out audits once a year and at its own expense in order to verify Welii's compliance with the obligations set out in the present article. The Client will inform Welii of the audit with a minimum notice of 2 weeks. Welii reserves the right to refuse the identity of the selected auditor if he/she belongs to a competing company. The audit must be carried out during Welii's working hours and in such a way as to cause the least possible disruption to its business. The audit shall not in any way prejudice (i) the technical and organizational security measures deployed by Welii, (ii) the security and confidentiality of Welii's other clients' data, (iii) or the proper functioning and organization of Welii's production. Insofar as possible, the Parties will agree in advance on the scope of the audit. The audit report will be sent to Welii in order to allow the latter to formulate any observations or remarks in writing, which will be appended to the final version of the audit report. Each audit report will be treated as confidential information.

- Client's obligations to Welii :
(a) provide Welii with the personal data listed in Appendix 1, excluding any irrelevant, disproportionate or unnecessary personal data, and excluding any "special" data as defined in the applicable Regulations, except where justified by the processing operations, it being the responsibility of the Client to establish such justifications and to take all measures, including prior information, consent and security measures, appropriate for such special data;
(b) to collect under its responsibility, in a lawful, fair and transparent manner, the personal data provided to Welii, for the execution of its services, and in particular, to ensure the legal basis of this collection and the information due to the persons concerned;
(c) keep a data processing register and, more generally, comply with the principles set out in the applicable regulations;
(d) ensure compliance with the obligations set out in the applicable regulations beforehand and throughout the processing period.

21. Reversibility

At the end of the contractual relationship, whatever the cause, and at the Client's request, Welii will proceed with the reversibility of this data in order to allow the Client, or any service provider of its choice, to resume the services covered by the present agreement under normal operating conditions ensuring the continuity of said services, on the system selected by the Client.‍

All services related to reversibility will be provided free of charge within sixty (60) days of the Customer's written request.

The Client agrees to cooperate actively with Welii in order to facilitate the recovery of data and information.

It is expressly agreed between the parties that Welii will be released from its obligation to provide the reversibility services referred to above as long as the Client has not paid all invoices issued by Welii for the execution of the present contract.

Welii also undertakes to destroy said data and information and not to keep any copies.

22. Sales references

‍The Client expressly authorizes Welii to use its name, brand and logo, as well as any reference to the Client's website, or to the Client's prospecting brochure, as commercial references, on any medium and in any form whatsoever, for the duration of the Contract and for a period of 3 years thereafter.

‍The Client expressly authorizes Welii to issue press releases in connection with the provision of Services to the Client.

23. Privacy

Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the other party, Welii and the Client respectively undertake to keep confidential, for the duration of their contractual relationship and 3 years thereafter, all information expressly identified as confidential, of which the parties may have become aware during the conclusion and execution of the contractual relationship.

This obligation does not extend to information:
- of which the receiving party was already aware,
- already public at the time of their communication or which would become public without violation of this clause,
- that would have been lawfully received from a third party,
- whose communication would be required by the legal authorities, in application of laws and regulations or in order to establish the rights of a party within the framework of the contractual relationship between Welii and the Client.

Confidential information may be passed on to employees, collaborators, trainees, agents and contractors, provided they are subject to the same obligation of confidentiality.

The Client guarantees Welii that it has the authorization to transmit to Welii the contracts that it has concluded, notably with its own partners, for the purposes of carrying out the Services as well as for the purposes of internal studies and statistics at Welii.

24. Force majeure

Welii cannot be held responsible for any failure or delay in the performance of its respective contractual obligations due to force majeure occurring during its relationship with the Client. The force majeure covers
- any case meeting the conditions of article 1218 of the Civil Code and recognized by the jurisprudence,
- strikes, terrorist activities, riots, insurrections, wars, government actions, epidemics, natural disasters or failure of a third party telecommunications provider.

If Welii or the Client is prevented from performing its obligations due to force majeure, it must inform the other party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The obligations will be suspended upon receipt of the letter, and will have to be resumed within a reasonable period of time as soon as the case of force majeure ceases.

Welii nevertheless remains liable for the performance of its respective obligations that are not affected by an event of force majeure and for any payment obligation.

25. End of Services

The Client who wishes to terminate the Services must terminate the Subscription with Welii by any written means and in particular by email at the latest 30 days before the end of the current Period.

Welii may terminate the Services at the latest on the day preceding the end of the current Period, by any written means and in particular by email.

Where applicable, Services will terminate at the end of the current Period. Any Period started is due in full.

26. Penalties for non-compliance

Payment of the price of the Services is an essential obligation.

In the event of a breach of this obligation, Welii may :

- suspend or terminate Customer's access to the Services,
- publish on the Platform any information message that Welii deems useful,
- send the Customer a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to :
o terminate the contractual relationship between him/her and Welii, with the termination taking effect on the day of receipt or first presentation of this letter,
o or to ask the Customer to remedy the breach within a maximum of 15 calendar days. The termination will take effect at the end of this period if the breach is not remedied.
Termination entails deletion of the Customer Area:
- inform any competent authority, cooperate with it and provide it with any information useful for the investigation and suppression of illegal or illicit activities,
- initiate any legal action.

These sanctions are without prejudice to any damages that Welii may claim from the Client.

27. Modifications to the General Conditions

Welii may modify its Terms and Conditions at any time and will inform the Client by any written means (including email) at least 30 calendar days before they come into force.

The modified General Terms and Conditions are applicable immediately upon their entry into force.

In exception to the article 'Termination of Services', if the Client does not accept these modifications, they may terminate their Subscription within a period of 30 calendar days from the notification of the modification by Welii.

If the Client does not terminate their Subscription according to the aforementioned terms or continues to use Welii's Services after the entry into force of its modified General Terms and Conditions, Welii considers that the Client has accepted them.

28. Language

In the event of contradiction or dispute as to the meaning of any term or provision, the French language shall prevail

29. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Welii's Terms and Conditions are governed by French law.

In the event of a dispute between the Client and Welii, and in the absence of an amicable agreement within 2 months of the first notification, the dispute will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Paris (France), except for mandatory provisions to the contrary.

Annex 1 - Personal Data

1. Description of the data processing performed by Welii on behalf of the Client

2. List of Authorized Subcontractors