Industry Highlight

Is AI-enabled SaaS the future of work?

Agathe Cornillet19 octobre 2023
Is AI-enabled SaaS the future of work?

More and more businesses are adopting SaaS solutions. This is reflected in the growth of the cloud computing market every year. However, despite its advantages, SaaS solutions require certain configurations upstream. 

That's where AI comes in. As a disruptive technology, it can take over tasks that were originally performed by the user. 

It also offers high-quality solutions such as customer support services, the automation of certain tasks, the identification of anomalies, etc.

This article explores the growing role of artificial intelligence on SaaS platforms and how it is changing productivity in various business sectors.  

AI-based SaaS tools 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a tool for enhancing traditional SaaS software. AI-powered SaaS tools are simply cloud-based software that incorporates AI functionality. 

AI-powered SaaS offerings differ from traditional SaaS in a number of ways. Among other things, AI brings the ability to automate tasks, make predictions and analyse data

Combining AI with SaaS solutions therefore makes software more intelligent. AI can be integrated in a number of ways: 

Natural language processing (NLP) technology: this makes it possible to understand and interpret human language, and is used in particular for dialogue tools such as customer service chatbots. 

→ Machine learning algorithms: these analyse data to make predictions and decisions.

The benefits of AI-based SaaS tools 

There are many advantages to using an AI-based SaaS tool. These include 

→ Automation: AI algorithms can automate repetitive tasks, streamlining workflows. 

→ Predictive analytics: AI can examine data, make decisions without human intervention and make predictions about future trends. 

→ Personalisation: algorithms can analyse user data to understand their preferences and provide personalised recommendations. 

Return on investment

Investment in AI-based SaaS tools can be costly. The return on investment (ROI) of these tools depends on each situation. 

However, the benefits of AI-based SaaS tools are not negligible. For example, the introduction of AI makes it possible to streamline certain tasks and free up manpower, enabling certain costs to be reduced in the long term. 

The world of work in the digital age

The changing world of work 

Digitalisation and technology have revolutionised the modern world of work. The rise of dematerialisation has led companies to gradually adopt cloud-based solutions. 

At the same time, the pandemic has accelerated the digital transition. Remote working and flexible working hours have increased, stimulating demand for high-performance cloud-based solutions. 

New challenges for businesses 

These changes in the world of work are creating new challenges for businesses:

Not all employees have the skills to work with the latest generation of technological tools.

Companies face an increased risk of data breaches.

To remain competitive, businesses must adapt to adopt new technologies. 

An increased need for adaptability  

Companies undeniably have to adapt to a constantly changing market. Hence the importance of adopting the latest generation of tools to keep up with the competition. 

AI-based SaaS solutions are innovative: scalability is an essential dimension. 

AI-based SaaS tools enable you to adapt quickly to changing market demand, because the they can process a larger quantity of data than traditional solutions. It can also analyse data by tracking changes in real time and more quickly. 

How does AI improve productivity?

On the one hand, there's the data, and on the other, the algorithm. The role of AI is to process all the data available so that companies can act accordingly. This sub-category of AI, which brings human intelligence to machines, is known as machine learning. How does it work in practice?

AI as an intermediary between customers and companies  

Let's take Zendesk as an example. The software development company uses AI tools to provide a personalised support service. Thanks to AI's predictive capability, this tool can provide rapid responses that match users' profiles. 

In this case, the AI tool is used for first-line "filtering". The chatbot deals with problems that can be resolved quickly. The support team, meanwhile, will be able to offer high-quality customer support. 

AI streamlines repetitive tasks

Thanks to the automation of processes, it is perfectly possible to manage emails, classify certain documents, and so on. For example, Sprinklr AI is an AI-based SaaS tool that automates certain tasks, such as replying to certain simple messages or sorting customer messages according to certain keywords. 

AI frees up your workforce

Ultimately, your company's overall productivity increases, as your employees can use their time differently, in particular by devoting it to more strategic activities. 

How does AI improve collaboration?

AI facilitates remote working 

Remote working can lead to coordination problems. AI-based SaaS tools can help in two ways: 

→ Intelligent planning: by analysing schedule data, AI can help coordinate the availability of each employee. 

→ Coordination support: AI-based chatbots can provide real-time information on the progress of projects and answer recurring questions. 

AI facilitates communication 

Conversational AI refers to the ability of AI to interact with a human. It combines natural language processing with machine learning. 

Conversational AI can be used to provide instant communication or assist with projects, improving collaboration between members of a company. 

In the SaaS sector, conversational AI can enable companies to facilitate communication with their customers by providing personalised assistance available 24/7

Towards a widespread replacement of the workforce by AI? 

The growing role of AI raises the question of the widespread replacement of the workforce. The computerised automation of professional tasks and the communications possibilities enabled by AI make human interaction less fundamental. 

However, with the right training, staff will get used to these new tools more quickly.  Employees who used to carry out the tasks handled by AI can concentrate on their core business or upgrade their skills.

Adopting AI for innovation 

As well as improving productivity and collaboration, SaaS tools based on AI can improve decision-making. These solutions enable you to rapidly analyse large quantities of data and then offer recommendations for adapting your strategy. 

AI-based SaaS tools have the potential to revolutionise the way businesses make decisions:

→ Identifying market trends: AI-based tools can collect and process large quantities of data from different sources. They can also make predictions. 

→ Identifying customer preferences: AI can be used to segment customers according to their attributes and create homogeneous groups. 

→ Identifying new opportunities

AI and the future of jobs 

According to an analysis published by Goldman Sachs last March, AI threatens nearly 300 million jobs worldwide. 

Another article in the Harvard Business Review shows that companies are adopting AI so quickly that job losses are likely to pile up before the gains really arrive. 

The emergence of SaaS tools based on AI, such as Chat OpenAI, raises the question of whether certain jobs will be replaced by machines

This is where the idea of the "augmented workforce" comes in. Instead of replacing employees in companies, AI could complement human capabilities. 

Companies therefore need to be flexible if they are to make the most of this revolution:  

on the one hand, companies need to protect these jobs

on the other hand, employees themselves must be able to acquire the skills they need to evolve in a world dominated by AI, in order to protect their careers but also to adjust their level of qualification.  

To ensure that the transition to AI-based tools goes smoothly, you need to keep in mind the importance of supporting your employees. By offering training, you can ensure that your staff's skills are upgraded so that you can focus on tasks that are not yet accessible to AI. 

AI-powered SaaS now holds no secrets for you. The combination of AI and SaaS tools is an emerging technology that can improve business productivity.

However, on the other side of the coin, the introduction of AI into the SaaS landscape raises questions about the future of the world of work. In the near future, it could well replace a number of jobs. Hence the importance of finding the right balance between using an AI-powered SaaS solution and upgrading your employees' skills.

Would you like to benefit from an AI-powered SaaS tool? You've come to the right place. Use Najar's procurement service to negotiate the best deals.

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